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If you need a new water heater, we're the only name you need to know. Let Howard Plumbing schedule a complimentary consultation to determine the ideal solution for your needs. With various options such as electric, gas, tankless, and hybrid systems, we can assist you in selecting the perfect choice for your home. Call us today to get started.

What Are the Benefits of Tankless Water Heaters?

  • Instant/Continuous Hot Water: Tankless water heaters provide hot water instantly on demand, eliminating the need for a storage tank and ensuring a constant supply of hot water. Ideal for high hot water usage or large families.
  • Saves Space: The compact, wall-mounted design of tankless water heaters saves floor space compared to traditional storage tank water heaters. This is particularly beneficial for smaller homes or limited spaces.
  • Energy-Efficient: Tankless water heaters heat water only when needed, reducing energy consumption and utility bills, especially during low hot water demand periods.
  • Extended Lifespan: Tankless water heaters have a longer lifespan (with proper maintenance), lasting up to 20 years or more compared to the typical 10-15 years of tank water heaters.
  • Reduced Water Damage Risk: Tankless water heaters eliminate the risk of leaks or ruptures associated with storage tank failures, minimizing the potential for water damage to your home.
  • Adjustable Temperature Control: Tankless water heaters feature precise temperature controls for customized hot water comfort and convenience.
  • Better for the Environment: Tankless water heaters produce fewer greenhouse gas emissions, contributing to environmental sustainability and helping reduce your carbon footprint.

Get in touch with us for an appointment to install your new tankless water heater.


The hybrid system is unique in that it harnesses heat from the surrounding air instead of generating it internally. This provides several advantages such as:

  • Hybrids have lower operating costs compared to other water heaters.
  • Installation costs for hybrids are typically lower than those for tankless water heaters.
  • Heat pump hybrids often qualify for tax incentives and rebates, making them more cost-effective upon installation.
  • Like tankless units, hybrid water heaters offer long-term energy savings, leading to reduced energy expenses over time.
  • Hybrid heat pump water heaters can also help cool your house in the summer and aid in dehumidifying mechanical spaces and basements.

Feel free to give us a call if you'd like to learn more about hybrid water heater systems.

Traditional Gas Water Heaters

There are several advantages to the traditional gas water heater system:

  • Quick Heating: Gas water heaters heat water faster than electric models, providing a swift supply of hot water for daily needs.
  • Cost Savings: Natural gas is generally cheaper than electricity, leading to lower operating costs for gas water heaters. This can result in significant savings on energy bills, especially in regions where natural gas is abundant and cost-effective.
  • Continuous Hot Water: Gas water heaters with storage tanks ensure a steady flow of hot water, allowing for multiple sources to be used simultaneously without a drop in temperature.
  • Reliability: Gas water heaters are known for their durability and fewer mechanical components compared to electric models. This means fewer maintenance issues and a longer lifespan (with proper care).
  • Cold Climate Performance: Gas water heaters perform well in colder climates, recovering quickly from temperature drops and delivering consistent hot water even in chilly conditions.
  • Grid Independence: Gas water heaters operate independently of the electrical grid, providing a reliable source of hot water during power outages. This is especially advantageous in areas prone to power disruptions or natural disasters.
  • Energy Efficiency: Modern gas water heaters are designed with energy-efficient features like advanced insulation and burner technology, maximizing heat retention and reducing energy waste. This results in lower energy consumption and less environmental impact.

Contact us today for a new gas water heater installed in your home or business.


An electric water heater has advantages over other water heater units:

  • Simplified Installation: Electric water heaters are typically easier and more cost-effective to install than gas models since they do not require venting or gas lines. This makes them a convenient choice for homes without access to natural gas.
  • Enhanced Safety: Electric water heaters eliminate the risks associated with gas leaks and combustion, making them a safer option for indoor use. There are no worries about carbon monoxide emissions or pilot lights, reducing the potential for accidents.
  • Lower Initial Costs: Electric water heaters generally have lower upfront costs compared to gas models, making them a more affordable option for homeowners.
  • Efficiency in Mild Climates: In regions with mild climates and low electricity rates, electric water heaters can be more cost-effective to operate than gas models. They are also well-suited for areas where natural gas is not readily available.
  • Cleaner Indoor Air Quality: Electric water heaters do not produce combustion byproducts like carbon monoxide or nitrogen dioxide, promoting cleaner indoor air and a healthier environment for occupants.
  • Compact Design: Electric water heaters come in compact sizes, making them ideal for installation in small spaces such as apartments, condos, or utility closets.
  • Easy Maintenance: Electric water heaters have fewer moving parts compared to gas models, resulting in lower maintenance needs and reduced chances of mechanical failures. This can lead to lower long-term maintenance costs and greater reliability.

We're here 24/7, so don't hesitate to give us a call for more information.


We're your local professionals for the finest water heater installation services. Contact us today to get started. Our services to you are second to none.



Reach out to us today to discuss your water heater needs.

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"We had two recent opportunities to call in Howard Plumbing at our home. The first was for an outside irrigation repair and the second was for an indoor kitchen faucet replacement. Scheduling with Wendy managing the office was pleasant and efficient. Our technician Aaron was prompt, professional, and skilled. Pricing was reasonable. We’re very happy with the results and will not hesitate to call on Howard’s again in the future!"

- Sue Ellen Jenkins

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Howard Plumbing

Serving the Annapolis, MD area, Howard Plumbing specializes in residential and commercial plumbing services. Available 24/7. 1-year workmanship warranty. Free second opinions. Call today for a free estimate.

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